Thursday, June 23, 2016

June 23 Trinity and King's Cove

Crazy fog comes and leaves quickly and conditions change around every corner.  We are learning that Trinity is often foggy while areas less than a kilometre away are not!  The fog is interesting though, it adds a cool dynamic to images and makes navigating more interesting!
We explored a lighthouse that is just across the small bay that is in front of us this morning.  It appears to be less than a kilometre over to it but it took at least 12 kilometres to work our way around to the site!  We were the only ones there for most of the time.  Randy packed the handheld device that talks and explains the features around the island: Fort Point Lighthouse.
We had a cool encounter with a few Boreal Chickadees as we were leaving!  See pics!
Then lunch and another drive this time up the NW side of the cape.
In and out of many coves, we made our way.  Stopping to explore and enjoy the way too hot day and sunshine whenever we wanted to.
King's Cove was our final destination and we drove to the end of the road and then walked a bit more to get some really cool views.  No pics but again today off on the horizon there were icebergs headed south.  Another great day!
Just across the bay... a very long way!
Sea Hippo!
We both jumped for JOY! 
Boreal Chickadee way more friendly than the ones out west
We could not figure out how to get to this lighthouse.  Can you see it?
I think these are Partridge berry blooms but need to check further and the net is bogging down... stay tuned or if you web is fast google it! :)
Soft water breaks down hard rock... it just takes time.
Beached! Summerville NL
Another road ends...

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