Saturday, June 18, 2016

June 17 & 18 ... Last days of Nova Scotia

Oops sorry I missed a day of blogging yesterday, June 17.   Got a few bird images... for pics.
Yesterday morning, after breakfast, we went on a pontoon boat tour, down the Liscombe River and out to the edge of the Atlantic Ocean.  It was interesting to listen to the boat's pilot, who has lived in the area all of his life and I think he is about our age, talk about the local history and more generally about his province.  Liscombe has an e ending when spelled by English and no e when spelled by the indigenous people. the Mi’kmaq.  Not sure where I was going with that story but now that this note is here it may prompt my memory later!   So many names and stories to absorb! Good thing there are two minds and brains "working" here! 
We have seen a lot of "Chase the Ace" billboards along the backroads and I commented to Randy that I imagined we would not be too popular if we dropped in and played, and won!  I asked, pilot, Larry, about this and what might happen.  He winked, laughed and said "there's only one thing worse..." and continued "it would be worse if you went to bingo and won the jackpot!"  If you are going to win at bingo here you had better be a regular!  
I was stoked to get some bird images yesterday but the wind was blasting and the results aren't that great.  Still we did get to meet a Black-throated Green Warbler, who might not be that exotic, because according to Sibley we have these at home but we have never seen one!  Very small, pretty elusive AND sounds a lot like a chickadee!! Fun to find!  
We drove over to Halifax for our last night.  The wind blew all the way.  The sky had not a cloud in it and it was pretty warm.  Not much for unusual or different sights so no images.  
A good night's sleep.  Actually all night's have been awesome.  All beds comfy.  All pillows perfect!  If sleep has been an issue for either of us, it has been due to overeating! First world problem.
Got our laundry all caught up this morning, and our bags organized for tonight's flight over to Newfoundland. 
Then.  What to do?  A car.  More time.  Check out caches.  Look for earth caches!  
Off to the north side of Nova Scotia we head, after some wangling getting out of Halifax!  I really admire the couples who are using paper maps to navigate these 5-way intersection cities!! Without the "blue dot" we might still be circling, back tracking and "communicating."  Actually, we have it pretty figured and always have lots of time so just go around the block or turn around when safe.  
We are stuck on ID for this warbler.... Any id... eas :)
So, when we got to the Hopewell Rocks, if you remember, the tide was HIGH and the rocks were covered.  Which was cool we saw them covered.  But, did you know that a similar feature occurs over here on the south side of the Bay of Fundy?? Yes.  It does.  We got to see it today.  And play on the ocean floor, and take lots of cool pics (not processed yet) and have a super awesome fun time!  
A side view of the mystery bird that sounds a wee bit like a chickadee.  A quiet subdued chickadee.
That earth cache took us to Burncoat Head.  Listed as the place where "Twice each day the Bay of Fundy fills and empties its 160 billion tons of water creating the highest tides in the world. In 1975 The Guinness Book of World Records listed Burntcoat Head in the Minas Basin, Nova Scotia as the site of the greatest average tide of 47.5 feet with an extreme range of 53.6 feet"
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