Monday, June 6, 2016

Another St Andrews Day ~ June 6th 2016

Pouring rain this morning and we slept in for a bit because we are here for two days.  Kind of nice not to have to be anywhere and the rainy mist is warm and welcoming so it is all good.   By days end, the weather cleared up, the tide lowered making a great last day in a beautiful part of Earth.  How about some pics to tell of the day...

The day began without a plan.  A clean slate.

Water water everywhere! 

He didn't mind a bit of rain, even stopped for a quick hello! 

Me by the end of this holiday if I keep having fish & chips!! :) 
This early afternoon.  Remember yesterday's pic? The water rose 24 feet!
Got a birding checklist and made a few discoveries!  

Wet wet very wet! 
Song Sparrow was singing his heart out when we left our room this morning, in the rain.  

It might have rained frogs! ;)
White-tailed deer.  They are more reddish brown than ours and not nearly as skiddish! 

At noon this spot was under those 24 feet of water! Red Rocks and the Man in the Hat! 
And our luck continues! :) :) 
Whew.  We have pics of this last event but my batteries are getting low so I will revert back to words...

We visited Minister's Island which is only accessible by road at low tide.  At 1330 the fog was so thick and the water was so high we could not tell land was across the water.  At 1730 we drove across the nearly kilometre long road to the island!  These tides are very very impressive!! #waterpower

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