Friday, June 10, 2016

Goodbye New Brunswick Hello Prince Edward Island!

Internet pernickety and slow here... blogs might be shorter than they have been :)
Woke to rainy fog in Moncton but headed to Magnetic Hill for a hoot anyway! Pretty cool to do, they run the attraction in all weather so we had four people help us, get drawn in! :)  We even got to go twice!  Probably because we were the only ones there and the workers were looking for work! :)
Found another wooden bridge right in the park!  It was rescued from it's original home and brought here to be enjoyed and maintained.  That was a fun find!
Then we meandered over to Shediac and Cape Jourimain where we crossed the Confederation Bridge.  Pretty amazing to see all that structure crossing that span of angry water!  The winds were making our Peace Country hurricanes feel like butterfly kisses!  Seriously damaged my hair! ;) 
Once in PEI we played on the other side of the bridge, in the wind and then took the long way around the coast over here to Charlottetown where we have called it a day!  It's not raining here!!! Tomorrow we are planning a long day over to the top of the "island"... 
Imagine my surprise when this big bus blasted through the bridge!  The kids had big smiles for me! 
A window inside one of the old retired bridges!  
Hanging on tight in the gale force winds! Yes there is a cache there! 
Heading onto the Confederation Bridge! "going UP!"
My hair!! 8)
Yes another cache locale... see Charlottetown across the bay :)
Out our window! 
A bridge and a lighthouse! and the Man in the Hat! #allthat 
A few pics! 

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