Saturday, June 4, 2016

Annapolis Royal ~ NS

Lots of windy roads today, barely any traffic.  Lunenberg was pretty foggy this morning and after our yummy included breakfast we went down by the bay one last time to check out Bluenose II and say goodbye but she had left while we were sleeping!  So we were very lucky to have sat and had dinner with her last night!
Today.  Green green green.  If you don't like green don't come here!
We spent a few hours in Kejimkujik National Park this afternoon, enjoying some "waterfalls" and hunting for wood ducks.  No wood ducks, very few people but lots of wonderful trees and a park to ourselves!  
Mill Falls on the Mersey River.
Red Chairs are EVERYWHERE! Other colours as well but these plastic ones have us smiling A LOT!
Loving the Lupins along the roadside.  This chicken did Not cross the road - so no question! 
At a geocache.  I found a tick on me in the car this afternoon and though we think he was too big to be a bad tick, we are a bit more cautious now.  So we didn't dig too hard in the bushes but we did get this lovely selfie! :) :) 
Pretty hot and humid 21 degrees so we understand humid heat now. :)  
We need to catch a ferry early tomorrow so good night at 17:37 AB time!! :)  

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