Saturday, July 2, 2016

Whew 30th Post! July 1st (Happy Canada Day!) and 2nd

July 1st and bit of a late night as we caught up with Mansell and Sue in Twillingate!  We left our stay near Cornerbrook and made our way quickly up to the east side of the island using Hwy 1 which was very quiet due to the holiday.  All the roads here are pretty quiet compared to home though.
We checked out the east side of Twillingate and revisited one of the icebergs we had met over a week ago when we were here.  Wow!  It had melted significantly which puts some perspective on what it may have looked like when it began heading south 2 or 3 years ago. 
The operators of the campground Mansell and Sue were staying at promised up fireworks when it got dark so we made a plan to capture some of those (Sue got a new camera and wanted to learn) when they were on.  Ha ha.  Lots of fun catching up and going for dinner and more catching up and meeting many locals and discovering more about islanders, including things like ditch gardens and snowmobile trails.  Listening to stories of touching whales with paddles while in small boats, watching caribou move like blades of grass across a vast landscape in Labrador while listening to a few musical folks play some maritime music.
Today we came back to St John's for our last two nights.  We explored a bit of the city that we missed last time and were rewarded by with a pretty cool evening sky. 
Tomorrow, Sunday, we are going south and a bit west to a wildlife/bird sanctuary and later in the day Monday we will pass back our car and get on some planes to come back home. 
We have settled into a comfy routine during the past five weeks but we are looking forward to some basic home food after every variation of fish and chips possible!  Randy "did" chowder for the first half of the trip but hasn't had any for a few weeks... maybe tomorrow.  
And now a few pics...
This could be the last blog post and if so... see many of you very soon and others of you I hope to see sooner than later!!  
If any of you are blogging or thinking of it - link me in!  Thanks for following along!
Take care and be good! 

Another point of view for the Twillingate Lighthouse.
Massive cliffs.  Atop this cliff is Signal Hill and those tiny teenie dots along the top are humans! 
Sunset in the St John's harbour.
St John's lighthouse tonight.  See the bank of fog along the horizon?
Lupins have exploded everywhere in the last two weeks!  
The fireworks!  Not sure which was funnier.  The fizzles and malfunctions or the "bang" followed by suppressed laughter emanating from the galley and the ignition crew! Thanks for the fun memories!! 
Remember that whale?  This is him just over a week later... :( 
Twillingate from across the bay.