Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Getting There

I'm up.  We are packed.  Ended up taking the carefully laid out clothes and randomly filling the suitcases with the entire lot after abandoning plans of applying some kind of organization to them.  Everything is ready to go and in under an hour we will be on our way to the airport.  Sunrise is well underway, most of the birds are singing their hearts out, including our robin, who hopefully lands a girlfriend while we are gone so he can keep his voice.  Poor guy sings from an hour before sunup to an hour after, meaning as of today he is calling from 4:23 to 23:23, meaning the poor guy gets about 5 hours sleep which is more than we got last night...
to be continued on the road...

A late night capture: fortunately I was still awake and got the brainwave to check my phone alarm for am pm.... good thing I did.  Then I set the clock alarm as well.  Oops! 

Golden hour for photography.  I should be getting out there this early every day.

Green fields and fresh spring colours

fog in the Smoky River valley
Crystal Lake see the road curve on the NE corner
Good score on getting a comfy couch! 

Super happy steward,  even happier waitress... off to a great start.

Ran into three former coworkers who were headed off to a meeting.  Looks like not much has changed!  It's been over three years now since I switched gears!

Well there we go.  Day 1 I expect it will be more of the same.  All good.
See you tomorrow!

Monday, May 30, 2016

Getting Packed

The house is askew.  Lists and papers are everywhere and I'm here getting a blog set up.  Not because I didn't have time before now.   But.
Yes.  I have tried to blog trips before and have failed but just because it failed those times... does not mean I should quit trying.  :)
Hmm but first I have to make one more quick trip to town... ;)